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Year End Reflection and Rejuvenation

The school year is winding down, summer is highly anticipated, and educators are experiencing reflection and 

desiring rejuvenation. Here are a few suggestions to make this process purposeful and successful.


  • What was meaningful for you this past year? Did something make you happy, or satisfied? Look back in your planning book or journal and decide what you want to keep or enhance.
  • What enthused students the most? When were they the most creative or successful?
  • What did you do to make a difference in students lives? Look at thank you notes written by parents, colleagues, principals and especially students to validate your efforts. How can you continue to make a unique difference in the lives of your students? (Keep a yearly file of special notes given to you, this becomes a “happy place.”)


  • Take care of your body through purposeful diet and exercise, and get restful sleep. Teaching is a physically demanding occupation, taking care of your physical self is crucial.
  • Your mental and emotional self needs down-time too. There are several things that can help you destress such as yoga, meditation, and the outdoors. Do what works for you.
  • Refocus on the positives of the job to create anticipation for the upcoming year, this will help you come backrenewed and refreshed.

Knight, S., EdD. (2017). The Heart of a Teacher:6 Ways to Refresh, Refocus and Rejuvenate [Web log post]. Retrieved May 9, 2019, from

Zakerzewski, V., Ph.D. (2012). Take This Job and.... Retrieved May 9, 2019, from

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