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Lead Mentor Responsibilities: Coaching


Recent research has pointed to coaching as a powerful method of developing teaching practices and increasing student learning.

According to Sailors and Shanklin (2010) "Many in the field have trusted that intuitive feeling that putting a knowledgeable coach in a classroom to work with a teacher will result in improved teacher practices and increased student learning. The jury of these researchers and the peer reviewers of their work has delivered its verdict: while coaching may be new, it is no longer unproven."

In short, coaching works.  As with any initiative, developing a coaching mindset presents some questions and obstacles.  When approaching this, it is good to look at others who have done it successfully and try to replicate their process.  Below are a few resources that might help to do this.

Resources for coaching

Coaching Cycle at a Glance (Kami Christensen)

Instructional Coaching: Kansas Coaching Project

Wei, R. C., Darling-Hammond, L., and Adamson, F. (2010). Professional development in the United States: Trends and challenges. Dallas, TX. National Staff Development Council.