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Hip, Hip, Hurray!


Thank you for everything you have done this year to help students be successful, we celebrate your success, ingenuity, and hard work! Hip, Hip, Hurray! Hip, Hip, Hurray!

Summer break is here, and it is a time to relax! Especially this year it will be important for you to unwind and become a healthier you. The pandemic has taken its toll on mental and emotional health, and perhaps even physical health.

We hope you enjoy time away from the classroom. Do something physically rejuvenating like walk every morning, bike, aerobics or swim.

Now that you have had your Covid vaccine, you can get away, vacation to the mountains, the lake, or a national/state park. Visit the zoo, the aviary or the Living Planet.

Take some alone time, read a favorite author, meditate, breathe.

Do spend time with those you love or haven’t seen in a while. Reacquaint with friends and enjoy their company. Eat at your favorite restaurant.

Get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, eat generous amounts of fruit and colorful vegetables, enjoy family time.

May this summer be relaxing and joyful. Come back refreshed, happy, and enthusiastic. Thank you again for all you have done for children. You have been amazing!!

With gratitude, your district mentor teacher specialists,

Debbie Fisher, Judy Jackman, Trisha Tingey, Amy Wood

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