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The Half Year Reflection

Half a year of teaching is complete; you have gone through the disillusionment phase, and now you are learning from your previous months of experience. Reflection begins and rejuvenation happens. You are in a busy but great moment!

How will you reflect, improve and change? You should reflect on what kind of learning has taken place with your students; does your data show the growth youhope they have experienced? Do you need to change or revamp the way you teach or do something? Could your classroom management be strengthened? Now is the time to evaluate and try something new. This is the joy of being an educator. We can always try something new and make it an adventure with our students. They are willing to help you become a successful teacher, and if you approach the changes you want to implement as changes that will help them be a more successful student, you should have positive feedback from your students. 

Don’t be afraid to fail; we grow from failure when we learn from our mistakes. It makes us stronger, resilient and better. An effective teacher is one who continues to learn, improve and change. Those who are the same throughout their career are not the innovative and dynamic teachers students seek to learn from. We wish you success in your career adventure!

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