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Mentor Observations

Mentor Observations are a part of USBE Board Rule.
Mentor Rule: R277-308 New Educator Induction and Mentoring


Mentor observations are a required activity for mentors on their mentor contract in Jordan School District. The mentor observation provides 1 hour of compensation. This 1 hour includes the pre-conference, observation, debrief, and goal setting. Work with your lead mentor and administration to set up observations.

Mentors should use the Mentoring Observation Protocol while planning mentor observations. Mentors should plan to observe their provisional educator for at least 20 minutes.

*If an actual in person observation is not possible, video observations work as well.

Mentoring Observation Protocol

Data Collection

Mentors will want to collect data as they observe their provisional educator. Data should be used to provide feedback to their mentee. They will want to use the best tool to collect whatever data their provisional educator would like to see.

Sample Observation Tools/Forms